Saturday, February 4, 2012

From my 20s to my 30s...the next chapter.

In my 20s I had goals and dreams....most of which are the same ones I have now. With the exception of 2 BIG things...I am now a wife and a mother. Now those are the top 2 most IMPORTANT goals I EVER wanted to achieve!
Sure, I had been a dance teacher and show cased my work in an amazing recital. But I wanted to do it AGAIN... I had completed 3 years of school...but, I wanted to FINISH. And I had been a manager at some of my favorite clothing stores, and accomplished some big things while doing so...but I wanted to take it FURTHER.
But you see, all of those things were fulfilled with only HALF the expectations I had set for myself....I never actually FINISHED my dreams, or saw them through to full completion.
I did my fair share of partying and dating along the way, which I am sure is half the reason I didn't utilize my full potential. I always wound up with the same kind of guy...the bad boy. He may have appeared perfect to me on the outside, tattoos, great taste in music with an offbeat spirit... but, on the inside, was just an a-hole without a job or a conscience....or a car.
Flash forward to my late 20s...I am happily married to a responsible, honest, hardworking man. Someone who loves me unconditionally. He doesn't put me down, but he raises me up and supports me through thick and thin...whatever zany idea or venture I may be set on, he's on board.
I am a Mother. I am a wife...I am HAPPY. I spend weekends at home with my girls, while my husband works for the 6th day in a row. We have slumber parties and do arts and crafts. I sing and dance with my children, I play pretend, kiss boo boos, and make green eggs and ham. I wouldn't change a thing about the amazing path I chose when I hit that fork in the road. However..I would ENHANCE my journey by picking up some of those left over hopes and dreams. I would LOVE to finish school...But more than anything, I would LOVE to start teaching dance again.
I used to write poetry, I used to make things and create. I used to have a vision of what my life would be...and now I want to bring my beautiful girls on that journey with me. I am done with "used to" I want to "DO"!
I have started this blog as a form of therapy. A place to post my "BIG IDEAS" and writings. A place to showcase what my children and I do together, learn about and create together. A place to write about the many, many, many different passions I have in life.
I look forward to reading other "Mom blogs" and hope you will visit mine as well!
(That IS, if my girls don't get to me first!)

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